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Hurricane Irma Handicaps Our Naples Golf Game

(Photo taken during the eye of the storm)

We live in Naples Florida, and as you know Hurricane Irma came through Naples as a category 4 direct hit, and played havoc with Collier County and Lee County. Each of us here in Naples have experienced some level of damage, and are still facing the after effects with power outages, water and sewer concerns and lack of services.

However, for most of us in our ITL (Inside The Leather) golf group, our homes came through fine with most of the damage occurring to our screen cages and the trees. I was pretty lucky, I only lost power for one night, had one panel of my cage down and lost trees. But it was certainly an experience of lifetime.

With the house shuttered we couldn’t see much, but the sound and fury of 145 mph winds against the shutters, for about an hour, was harrowing. And then just like in the movies, the eye of the storm came through and everything was eerily calm – then the back end of the storm came through, and it started all over again. Below are comments from some of the guys in our golf group, both in Naples and away for the summer, who wanted to share their own experience:

    • Has anyone seen Jeff Bezos?…….We have spent the last 5 days buttoned down without power and all we hear from the radio is a lot of hot air from FEMA types, our governor, FPL and the like. As the decent food starts to thin out we head to Publix and there they are…….dedicated employees leaving a safe haven at home to insure that the public is served. No here delivering specials to our front door. When this is over the people who lived through this nightmare will remember Publix and the value of the traditional grocery store. Hats off to Publix and its’ people


    • I too took this approach. What greater loss could I endure than that which had already happened just ten weeks passed. Be thankful.


    • We were visiting friends in Asheville when Irma hit. At the same time, our friends were informed of the passing of a close relative. So, they went to Boston and we went to Chicago to stay with our daughter and family.We had a dog sitter staying at our house and asked if her family could stay with her. Naturally we said yes. So, our house was prepared and manned during the storm.We fared reasonably well. Some roof tiles flew off, cage screens torn down, structure is fine (we think), a screen door blown off. But, no water or structural damage to the house. Landscape damage is the worst, but that can be replaced. We feel very lucky.Emotionally this event has been draining. We have been glued to the TV for days. And afterward, the difficulty arranging for corrective actions from afar was frustrating. We will return to Naples on Saturday, 9/23.We are thankful that so many people we know have weathered the storm and damage is minor compared to what was expected.


    • We are in Jupiter, still no power at home, the line is down to House, it’s about 150 ft to pole in the yard, and is flooded. We have a room at a hotel on Sunday coming back, then hope you all are doing good


    • We were in residence for Hurricane Andrew 25 years ago. We were evacuees for Wilma. We were sofa voyeurs for Irma. I must say, our anxiety level was ” huge” for Irma given the moment by moment coverage by the Weather channel dare devils. I don’t think their mothers were very happy with their antics by stepping into harm’s way. Being glued to the screen for the arrival of the core of the eye, and the aftermath was very disturbing. Particularly, with the carefree dare devils being located at Pine Ridge and 41, just a few blocks from Pelican Bay. It was like waiting for a plane crash, knowing that many people’s lives and well being were at risk. A very disturbing and uncomfortable time. Just glad all our” in residence” friends are safe and ready to move onto better days. Landscaping can be replaced but good souls can never be.
      On a positive note, we won’t have to worry about another Donna/Irma for another 50 years. For me, that will be another lifetime.
      See you in mid-October…best to all


    •  Here in Highlands, NC, we had wind gusts of 65 mph, at about 4,500 ft, we lost a lot of trees, but no damage to our condo.
      Lost power Monday night. All electric, so no hot water, no stove. Gas fireplaces worked, as it got down to about 47 at night, 60 during the day.
      Power restored at 11:30am yesterday. Still no power at our place in Naples. We have generator power, but don’t know how long before fuel runs out. Be safe, God Bless


    • Hi guys, it was an agonizing wait here in Chicago as we watched Irma move north from Key West into Marco/Naples. Even more anxiety waiting for building management at our Pelican Bay high-rise to report on damage. Finally on Monday we were informed that the building came through pretty much intact, except for landscaping losses.
      We have an automobile in the garage under the building and with the prediction of 12 ft storm surge we thought that the car was a goner. Luckily no water came into the garage as the surge never reached the predicted height. So, good news from Pelican Bay!
      It looks like our golf course took a beating, and the tournament postponement was certainly a disappointment after all the hard work that went into the organizing the event.
      I was happy to hear that all who stayed were safe. That must have been quite the experience. Would you do it again?
      See you in mid-October..


    •  I am praying that all the ITL’s survived the hurricane without injury or major damage. We were in Asheville, NC during the hurricane which only had some increased winds.


    • Sunday was a day of stress watching the events on the Weather Channel but wondering what else was going on. It helped that we hosted a spontaneous potluck dinner for 6 other couples who live in Marco or Naples and watched the reports on a big screen tv. What do they say, “misery loves company”?


    • The stress was greatly reduced on Monday when our friend called to say he had walked over to our house in the Vineyards and reported that damage was limited to a downed tree and two screens from the pool cage. We send along a huge thank you. Since then we are spending a lot of time reading and watching news reports on the recovery operations. Still no power at the house. The reports parallel the description of a cyberattack that Ted Koppel wrote in his book “Lights Out”. As a society we really are vulnerable and dependent on the electronic grid.


    • Like all of you, I am anxious for the return of power and returning to Naples to do any cleanup and start playing golf with the ITL group again.


    • Although I missed it I would have liked to experience the magnitude of the event.


    • Glad everyone came through OK. I just had some trees down and luckily no home damage.


    • I’ll be heading down early October and do the N-S shuttle until I finish my project in December
    •  Fellows,
      I delayed sending out a message knowing many of you are very busy people, especially those that are in the middle of hurricane Irma and now the clean-up.Diane and I hope and yes, have prayed that you and your families are all okay and your homes or condos were spared from major damage. We were able to get through the hurricane with minimal damage. A few roof tile missing they tell us and some pool cage screening that will need to be replaced.We understand that power is returning, but there are many infra-structure issues many of you who are there are having to deal with. Please note you all remain in out thoughts and prayers with the hope this comes to an end soon for everyone.


    • No power. Using the barbeque during the eye of the storm. Its not Sunday w/o pasta


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