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Bunker Play 101

Bunker Play

View Video  by Stan Geer

I’m sure you’ve heard it said that bunker shots are one of the easiest in golf; heck, you don’t even have to hit the ball. While that may be true for golf professionals, who  sometimes even bail out into a bunker, that generally is not the case for the everyday golfer.

Witness the fact that if your bunker shot lands anywhere outside the bunker your playing partners shout “good out” in unison, as if they never expected you to get out in one shot. In this one minute video from Stan Geer, Head Professional at Vi At Bentley Village Golf Club in Naples Florida, you will learn the fundamentals of good bunker play that will put you on track for consistent, nice and easy, bunker shots.


To see more related videos like this one click Bunker Techniques 




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