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How To Hit A 25 Yard Chip Shot

Long Chip Shot
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The closer you get to the green, the harder the shots become.  And when you are faced with a shot that is less than 50 yards, you really need to master those skills that will get you closer to the flag.

There are of course a couple of options: hit a high flying wedge that lands softly, but doesn’t roll too much ( I have a friend who has this shot down pat), or bump and run the shot onto the green. Since I cannot master the high flying wedge, I think I could do better by mastering the bump and run.

In this video what I call a bump and run, Aimee Cho calls a long chip shot. Since I’m better at chipping than making flop shots, Aimee’s advice hits home for me. It would seem that with practice, and different clubs for different distances, you can work your way back from the short chip shot to the long chip shot.

that with practice, and different clubs for different distances, you can make your way back from the short chip shot to the long chip shot.


To see more related videos like this one click on Golf Chipping Tips


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