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Hitting Driver Off The Deck

Driver off the deck

View Video  by Rick Shiels

Ever find yourself in a great position to get the next ball on the green, but you just don’t have enough fire power? You know your three wood is going to come up short, and the only thing left in the bag is your driver, so what should you do? Well you could lay up, which is the safe shot, or you could reach for the driver and take your chances; if it works it is a career shot and if it doesn’t you could be in a lot of trouble.

Like most of us you likely don’t know how to hit a driver off the deck, and if you have ever tried it you know the results are unpredictable. However, if you watch this video, the next time you’re faced with this decision you can say to yourself – I got this!


To see more related videos like this click on Dealing With Difficult Situations



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