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Do You Suffer From Blocked Golf Shots?

Do you block your golf shots? Well if you do, the good news is that there are probably only three reasons for blocked golf shots. This is especially true with the driver, which immediately gets you off to a bad start.  Gary Alliss, for Golf Monthly, says there are three culprits:

  1. Excessive lateral shift: This is a sign of taking the need to shift your weight to the extreme, resulting in your club head lagging behind you and the club face open at impact
  2. Excessive body rotation: Here again, we know we need to rotate, but when your body spins out of control your club once again lags behind
  3. Late release: I think this is the most difficult fault to correct, because it is all about timing. Even if you have a good overall swing, but wait just a little too long to unhinge your wrists, you will end up with a blocked shot. Perhaps this might be caused by trying so hard to get your club into the slot, that you forget to release.

So if you do block your shots, the first thing to do is find out which of the above applies to you. It seems to me that if you take a video of your swing you can identify which one of the culprits is your swing fault. Armed with that information, you can pay your local golf pro a visit and focus on correcting just that one fundamental flaw – and you should be able to get much better results.


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